Bene Corpus
Bene Corpus means a Well Body!



**Temporarily Closed**

**Until further notice during COVID-19**




Therapeutic massage for relaxation and wellness.

I consider massage to be as vital to health and wellbeing as any other regular health checkup, only more comfortable and relaxing!  Regular massage has a cumulative effect that will help you sleep better, decrease anxiety and depression, increase concentration, and improve circulation and the body's ability to decrease pain through the release of natural endorphins.


I practice a combination of Swedish massage and Deep Tissue work to help address muscle pain or tightness. Most people are familiar with these direct and uncomplicated methodologies and I believe it gives clients an idea of what to expect, which may make clients new to massage more comfortable with treatment.

I hope you will contact me to set up an appointment. Investing in massage is an investment in your health and wellbeing.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
Member, Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals 347-525-5903
Brattleboro, VT 05301
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